Drip Feed is a service that we are offering so you would be able to put the same order multiple times automatically. Example: let's say you want to get 1000 likes on your Instagram Post but you want to get 100 likes each 30 minutes, you will put Link: Your Post Link Quantity: 100 Runs: 10 (as you want to run this order 10 times, if you want to get 2000 likes, you will run it 20 times, etc…) Interval: 30 (because you want to get 100 likes on your post each 30 minutes, if you want each hour, you will put 60 because the time is in minutes) P.S: Never order more quantity than the maximum which is written on the service name (Quantity x Runs), Example if the service's max is 4000, you don’t put Quantity: 500 and Run: 10, because total quantity will be 500x10 = 5000 which is bigger than the service max (4000). Also never put the Interval below the actual start time (some services need 60 minutes to start, don’t put Interval less than the service start time or it will cause a fail in your order).

You put the service ID followed by | followed by the link followed by | followed by quantity on each line To get the service ID of a service please check here: https://smmsocialmedia.in/services Let’s say you want to use the Mass Order to add Instagram Followers to your 3 accounts: abcd, asdf, qwer From the Services List @ https://smmsocialmedia.in/services, the service ID for this service “Instagram Followers [15K] [REAL] ⚡️💧⭐” is 102 Let’s say you want to add 1000 followers for each account, the output will be like this: ID|Link|Quantity or in this example: 102|abcd|1000 102|asdf|1000 102|qwer|1000
To get a panel like ours, please check http://bit.ly/panellikesmmsocialmedia to rent a panel, and then you can connect to us via API easily!
We do not offer any discount, the prices that you see are the prices that you get!

REFILL - If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service dropped than total quantity you placed , then we will send Followers / Subscribers / Any Service to you again with FREE of Cost. For Some Services we provide REFILL Button (Which works in 24-72HRS) . After Refill Completed You need to wait 24HRS again to use it.

We will mention REFILL Period for All Services , Only REFILL will be Available in Mentioned 7/15/30/45/60/99/265/325 Days , Which we mention in Description for Every Service. In this Period only REFILL can be Available. You cant do Refill After the End of REFILL Date.

Please check Start Count , If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service is less than start count then order will get REJECTED .

If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service is more than the total quantity from start count then also it will get REJECTED

Only REFILL WORKS - If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service dropped after the start count and less than the total quantity then order will get REFILL in 24-78Hrs.

so it will be 1250 , after 24hrs refill will work only if it Decreased upto 280 from 1250 , then only REFILL will gets active

If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service is more than 1250 then it will get REJECTED
If Followers / Subscribers / Any Service is less than 250 (start count ) then also REJECTED

Drip Feed doesn't work with neither "Mass Order" nor API.
Yes, we do accept PAYTM!

Find the timestamp that is located next to your username above your comment (for example: "3 days ago") and hover over it then right click and "Copy Link Address". The link will be something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345&lc=a1b21etc instead of just https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12345 To be sure that you got the correct link, paste it in your browser's address bar and you will see that the comment is now the first one below the video and it says "Highlighted comment".

The one that has "Monetized" in its service' name.

Instagram Mention is when you mention someone on Instagram (example @abcde this means you have mentioned abcde under this post and abcde will receive a notification to check the post). Basically the Instagram Mentions [User Followers], you put the link of your post, and the username of the person that you want us to mention HIS FOLLOWERS!

Impression means reach (also how many users have seen your post) it is mostly used with brands, they will ask you to show them statistic of the impressions your posts have.

After he goes live, or just 5 second before he goes!

VIP Support For 30 (60 or 180 Days) We Will Answer Your Tickets Have You On Skype And Have Your Phone Number For 24/7 Hours Priority VIP Support For Any Order Open A Ticket After You Purchase This Service And Send Order ID Quantity Must Be 1000

Instagram Saves is when a user saves a post to his history on Instagram (by pressing the save button near the like button). A lot of saves for a post increase its impression.